Halloween is fast approaching, and trick-or-treaters have been excited about it for weeks! Near and far, kids will scope out businesses and special events on Halloween for delicious treats, while many will keep to the tradition of going door-to-door. Trick or treating, or "mummin" as remembered by many locals growing up, dates back to 16th century Scotland and Ireland. Over the years, it was considered "guising" because children would go house to house disguised in costume seeking food or money. In North America, the art of "guising" became popular in 1911 and eventually earned the name trick or treating. From a pagan ritual to a light-hearted festive party described in Roger's Tricking Halloween, the concept of acquiring goodies on this special night and then devouring the sweet treats for days has remained the same over the years. However, the main difference is that many of the HALLOWEEN TREATS that are popular now didn't exist years ago, and vice versa. Below is a look at door-to-door Halloween treat, then & now, brought to you by Thriftway Super Stops 

If you grew up in the early 70s, common treats to make their way to your Halloween bag were popcorn balls, Cracker Jacks, Ring Pops that you could wear as jewelry, Bottle Caps (the root beer ones were the best), Pop Rocks that crackled and popped in your mouth, Necco Wafers, Zotz, and those d*mn candy wax lips and teeth that I admittingly chewed like a stick of gum moments after displaying them on my face. Occasionally, we would come across "that one neighbor" who thought it would be cool to pitch a can of soda on top of our beloved candy or throw in a caramel apple wrapped in wax paper. I even received a can of green beans in my Halloween bag one year. Looking back, it was certainly more of a trick than a treat for a youngster. Who knows what that was about? The bean giver must have been in a mood or did it for shock value. At that age, you didn't question the treat; you just made sure to continue to the next house and hope for the best.

Today, many treats like popcorn balls and retro candy are STILL making their way to our little tykes' HALLOWEEN bags, pillowcases, and pumpkin totes! As for common choices today, there's no shortage of mini Twix, Kit Kats, and Snickers when picking out Halloween candy at the store. Plus, it's good to see treats that have been popular for decades, such as Hershey Bars, Dum Dums, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and M&M's, are still a Halloween-time staple.

Of course, always of importance no matter the type of candy or how much; family members should always check any treats for tampering before the kiddos dig in. Knowing exactly what to look for can be difficult, so to help relieve any concern, stick to what you know and have your children trick or treat only at events by a trusted organization or facility. Even if door-to-door may one day be a thing of the past, dressing up to pursue those delicious morsels of chocolate and sugar, will forever be a tradition. So, what candy was your favorite while trick or treating as a kid, and what are some of your children's and grandchildren's favorites now? Please let us know in our comment section. This Halloween post is brought to you by Thriftway Super Stops. Happy Halloween!  

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