
Flag Football a Game Changer for Montana High School Girls
Flag Football a Game Changer for Montana High School Girls
Flag Football a Game Changer for Montana High School Girls
Girls flag football started as a pilot project in Montana High Schools. Three high schools initially took the ball and ran with it in 2022--- Flathead, Glacier, and Butte. Then, in 2023, Lockwood and Mission fielded teams. The results have apparently been lifechanging for many of these young ladies.
Montana Talks With SDSU's "Coach Stig" in Whitefish
Montana Talks With SDSU's "Coach Stig" in Whitefish
Montana Talks With SDSU's "Coach Stig" in Whitefish
"Coach Stig" is the winningest football coach in South Dakota State history. I had the honor of catching up with the national champion football coach at the Grouse Mountain Lodge in Whitefish during the Montana Equipment Dealers Association annual convention.
Uptown Butte has much happening on Saturday
Uptown Butte has much happening on Saturday
Uptown Butte has much happening on Saturday
Uptown Butte is going to be busier than usual tomorrow. Lots of things happening including the Montana Tech Homecoming which is a big event in and of itself. Want to be a part of the fun? Here's a little bit of what you can expect.

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