Whether you're a Bobcat or a Grizzly (or none of the above), how can you NOT cheer for Butte's own Tommy Mellott? What a remarkable young man.

Dan Satter is the Deputy Commissioner of the Big Sky Conference. (That's the conference that both the Montana State Bobcats and the University of Montana Grizzlies are in.) Satter shared a great tweet with video of Tommy Mellott being greeted by his team down in Frisco, Texas shortly after MSU Bobcat QB Tommy Mellott was announced as the winner of the Walter Payton award during the FCS National Awards this past weekend.

Satter asked this question: "Ever wondered if a star athlete actually means it when, upon receiving an individual honor, says that it’s really a team award? Ever thought, Do his teammates feel the same way? Watch this & you’ll understand why the answer’s a resounding yes for @Tommy_Mellott@MSUBobcats_FB

Here's the video and the tweet from X:


I went back and watched the FCS National Awards presentation when MSU Coach Brent Vigen was named Coach of the Year, and Mellott won the Walter Payton Award. It was so cool to see Mellott give credit to God first and foremost. He also had a great line about discipline and commitment. 

Mellott: "First of all, like all the other athletes, I like to give all the glory to the Lord above. Without him, I am nothing, and we're all winners for what he did on the cross and three days later. And to have the opportunity tonight to come out here and be represented as the Offensive Player of the Year for the FCS subdivision means a lot to me. And it's quite an honor and a privilege to be out here with two great you know, runners up and it's just a blessing for sure." 

Here was the other line he used which stood out to me: "How you do anything is how you do everything." 

Mellott: "The kids back in Butte- just to dream big and to, you know, obviously, go after their hopes and dreams. Growing up it was maybe far fetched to think I'd be able to play at the Division 1 level, and let alone to be, you know, named as the offensive player of the year now. So just to dream big and hopefully that, you know, the leadership is just, you know, do things the right way. You know, I've always been told how you do anything is how you do everything, and that's how I go about my business from the weight room, you know, and the academic side and the community and, you know, it's got me to where I am today."

The full video of the awards is below. Coach Vigen remarks start around the 38 minute mark. Tommy Mellott wraps up the video with the Walter Payton award starting around the 1 hour 8 minute mark.



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Gallery Credit: Matthew Wilkening

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