One need only to wake up on a beautiful Southwest Montana day to realize that we truly live in a beautiful and special part of this small planet.  For many Montana natives, the love and appreciation of nature and all that if offers begins at a young age.  I remember starry nights under the Yellow Bay campsite at Flathead Lake where my father and I would camp when I was only 6 or 7 to the trails that we would hike south of town.  One of my favorite memories from early childhood is fishing on the Madison River with my Dad and Grandpa and hooking a fish so big that it took the three of us to reel it in.  Okay, that memory may be a bit fiction, but the true memories that are made in the Montana outdoors are truly memories that will last a lifetime and hopefully set the foundation for a life of activity in and appreciation of our beautiful environment.  Butte and Southwest Montana offer not only fishing, camping and hiking but gorgeous off-road bike trails, ample rivers and streams for rafting and kayaking and even rock climbing and geocaching.  It is with this in mind that a free Youth Outdoor Day is being planned at McGruff Park this Friday from 10am until 2pm.

At Youth Outdoor Day, kids will learn about archery.  They will learn about fish and wildlife in Montana as well as camping, outdoor cooking, gardening and even outdoor survival skills through a series of hands-on exhibits and fun activities.  Lunch will be provided as well.  Make plans to attend and if you have any questions, please email or call (406)723-0217.

Butte's Ghost Signs Part 1

Uptown Butte was once one of the largest urban centers in the Northwest and the bustling heart of a thriving Mining City. Here is the first in a series of some of the ghost signs you can see Uptown that have survived through the decades.

The 15 Most Haunting Country Music Videos

Whether they're sad, spooky or just make you think, these country music videos will give you chills -- and stick with you long after you're done watching.

Bands With No Original Members

Not everybody can be U2.

Best Mexican Restaurants in Bozeman

Craving authentic Mexcian food? Here are a few great restaurants to check out in Bozeman.