The First Thing That Comes to Mind When the Snow Starts to Fly
Undoubtedly, Autumn in Montana lent out relatively mild weather conditions this year. Global warming or not, we had it pretty easy weather-wise the past two months, and there's no question that most of us were all about it. Sure, we had some storms come through, but nothing that stuck around for long. Then this weekend's weather shed new light on the subject as I witnessed several cars, COVERED IN SNOW, heading from Georgetown Lake outside of Anaconda. This observation meant one thing for sure; the snow is headed our way and possibly here to stay! After all, it is November, and whether we like it or not, it is climatically time for a change of seasons in Big Sky Country. Therefore, my denial and sense of amnesia were not enough to keep the snow and cold away.
It can sometimes be sophomoric and redundant to complain about the weather, especially if you've lived in it for most of your life, as I have. But, then again, it makes for a good conversation piece (sometimes), plus people feel the need to talk about it because of the level of anxiousness the act of wintery conditions can cause. Furthermore, it's human nature and quite normal for people to be affected by climate change and conditions; all that shoveling, never feeling warm enough, worrying about slipping on ice or having to drive in the snow, causing isolation, and numerous other things.
The fact remains that some people love wintery conditions and plenty of snow, while others would rather live in balmy weather conditions with their own personal lemon trees in the yard. So, what is it for you? What initial thought comes to mind when the season's first significant snowfall arrives? All joking aside, I have to say some fear and anxiety come over me with the first snowfall because I spend a great deal of time traveling on the Montana interstate. Now that's one factor, while another one is that I would rather spend 365 days of the year in 70-degree conditions without worrying about the temperature dropping to 5 below. However, that's not to say that a snow-covered Montana isn't a captivating view or experience.
Maybe you're a snowboarder, ice fisher, cross-country or downhill skier, master snowman/snowball maker, or snowmobiler who can't wait for the snow to fly. Then again, perhaps you're all about heading south during the wintery months to bask in the sun. So, my mind tells me I want to be in warmer conditions year-round, but then I remember how I'm not a big fan of insects. The hotter the weather, the bigger the bugs! Sigh... it looks like I'll be hanging out another season in the last best place; scenic Montana. Plus, who am I kidding? Not seeing snow ever again would put me in a state of shock. Either way, It's a love-hate relationship where too much of one thing isn't always best. So, where would you rather be when or as the snow flies, or are you content with the white stuff? We look forward to hearing from you.