The border crackdown and the effort to secure our borders has already begun. That was a big part of our day 1 conversations here at the SHOT Show in Las Vegas.
We started the morning at the Montana Governor's breakfast with all of the great Montana gun and outdoor gear businesses here for the SHOT Show- which is basically the world's biggest gun and outdoor gear show.
The retired Navy SEAL Commander and former Trump Interior Secretary was gracious enough to let us use his office as we were joined on the microphone by several Montanans in town for the inaugural festivities and more.
This is seriously the best video I've seen so far from the inauguration- President Trump holding a sword doing the YMCA dance, and it was captured by a Montanan.
With the outdoor ceremonies cancelled, dozens of Montanans who travelled to Washington for the inauguration ended up attending a watch party on Capitol Hill. Here's at least one Montanan who made it inside the Capital One Arena for Trump's speech.
The outdoor viewing for President Trump's inauguration as the 47th President of the United States has been cancelled, but we are still on our way to Washington, D.C. for coverage of the events AND a LIVE show from Capitol Hill Tuesday.
I was packing my bags to head to D.C. for the presidential inauguration, and then Vegas for the SHOT I started listening to the Tim Sheehy interview on the Shawn Ryan Show and WOW- you guys have to watch this episode.
For 4 hours we had microphones set up in front of the 3rd floor fan window of the Montana Capitol, and we got to hear from lawmaker after lawmaker after lawmaker. We also heard from some great leaders of your rural electric cooperatives.
We saw a LOT of you at the Trump Rally in Bozeman, Montana back in August. Will we see you at President Trump's inauguration this Monday in Washington, D.C.? We will be there for the inauguration on Monday, and then a LIVE statewide radio show from Capitol Hill on Tuesday.