
Facts About Martin Luther King Jr. You May Not Know
Facts About Martin Luther King Jr. You May Not Know
Facts About Martin Luther King Jr. You May Not Know
Today, in honoring and remembering Martin Luther King Jr., the most prominent leader of the civil rights movement, I'm embracing some interesting facts I never realized about the man behind "The Dream", and perhaps maybe you didn't either. Of course, we know how he motivated millions with his prolific speeches and nonviolent resistance to Jim Crow Laws and discriminatory acts against African-Americans, but also how, at the height of the civil rights movement in 1968, his life was senselessly cut short by assassination. Martin Luther King Jr's message of peace and prosperity lives on today in anyone who understands and supports what his mission represented.
Copperhead Homecoming in Pictures; Was Your Homecoming Memorable?
Copperhead Homecoming in Pictures; Was Your Homecoming Memorable?
Copperhead Homecoming in Pictures; Was Your Homecoming Memorable?
Next, the almighty Copperhead school assembly and downtown parade took place Friday with traditional entries on tap to include Anaconda High Royalty, class floats, and pillaring firetrucks with Copperhead athletes on top. Loyal fans and alum lined the streets for blocks to pay tribute to the Heads. Then, in true homecoming style, the Copperheads football team took to the field Friday night with royalty and the Anaconda High marching band performing during the half. The boys played hard but were defeated by Big Fork. Nonetheless, the support, energy, and spirit of true Copperhead fans were evident from the week-long Homecoming festivities. As with any admiration for an alma mater, this is a feeling that can never be taken away from anyone, no matter the circumstance or outcome. So tell us some of your favorite memories of your alma mater's Homecoming. See more amazing photos from Homecoming below!