Have family or friends coming into Bozeman for a weekend vacation? Don't fret, we've got the perfect 3 day itinerary so you don't have to think about it.
If you've considered attending a "paint party/paint & sip event" or have already "been there, done that," then more power to you. Such gatherings are a great way to socialize with friends and meet new ones while enjoying your favorite beverages and appetizers. Drinking or being an artist is not required, but simply putting your paintbrush to the canvas and enjoying yourself is. Acrylic paints are the usual choice at paint parties. Plus, other materials used to paint are ceramics, wood panels, wine glasses, and mugs.
rivia Night gets underway on Wednesday, December 28th. It's a chance to test your "suave savvy" against family members and friends. One problem, though; your friends and family might not talk to you for a while after you kick their "you know what" in a game of Trivia! This event is a benefit for the Butte Public Library to help with library materials and programs. While the library is also set to provide questions during Trivia Night, the Butte Elks Lodge will be on board with plenty of refreshments. Hmmm, an ice-cold one could make for better trivia answers! Remember, that's Trivia Night on December 28th at the Butte Elks Lodge beginning at 6:30 p.m. All participants for Singo must be 18 years of age or older. So, there you have it! Two fun ways to unwind and enjoy friends and family in the process. That's Trivia Night and Singo at the Butte Elks Lodge (206 W. Galena) next Wednesday and Thursday!
Avid snowmobilers and newcomers alike are preparing for an annual event very dear to their hearts. Georgetown Lake is the place to be on Saturday, December 31st, as the Anaconda Snowmobile Club prepares for its annual Fun Run at 7 Gables (150 Southern Cross Road west of Anaconda). Registration for the Fun Run happens from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., and all riders must return by 4:30 p.m., as drawings will begin at that time. The cost is only $5 per hand, and prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place participants. Door prizes and a raffle will also be part of the excitement!
Throughout the Mining City, every resident has their own set of traditions and period of time when they "plan" to start celebrating the holiday season. Many customarily start decorating and buying gifts for Christmas at the onset of Thanksgiving. Some have been ready since last summer, while others wait a few days before December 25th to get into the spirit. Then, there are those who have key events that help gear them up for the holiday. One popular and inspiring event in the community that has done just that for so many is the Uptown Butte Christmas Stroll! Like clockwork, it all happens tomorrow night (December 2nd) for everyone in the community and the surrounding area to enjoy! Butte's Stroll has been the leading festive gathering in the area to full-heartedly welcome the December month for decades! Its nostalgic and festive appeal is what keeps people coming back for more.
It was a night to remember as thousands of holiday enthusiasts filled the streets of The Smelter City for the Anaconda Christmas Stroll this past Friday! The festivities began with an awe-inspiring lighted parade that started on Main Street and made its way back to Kennedy Common for the Tree Lighting Ceremony and a much-anticipated visit from Santa Clause. Then came an intense moment as participants waited around the majestic ceremonial tree to see if they would be the winner of the grand prize giveaway of $1500! As it turned out, the proprietor of that prize money went to Teresa Tyler of Wyoming, who was visiting family for the holiday season. Excellent work, Teresa!
Organizations such as the Anaconda Community Foundation have made it possible for everyone to enjoy the season of giving the way it was intended. On Thanksgiving Day, November 24th, 2022, a nondenominational Anaconda Community Thanksgiving dinner and gathering will take place at Holy Family's Hunthausen Center (217 W. Pennsylvania in Anaconda). ACF members and volunteers will serve a traditional feast of turkey, ham, and more from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. For those who are homebound or cannot travel, delivery will be made available at 11 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day. To request meal delivery, call RInki at (406) 563-5582 or Sandi at (406) 559-0919. To volunteer for this year's ACF Community Thanksgiving Dinner, contact Paula at (406) 560-6792 or Melissa at (406) 529-9304. To donate, visit anacondacommunityfoundation.org.