Dumas Brothel

Experience The Chills: Inside Butte's Dumas Brothel
Experience The Chills: Inside Butte's Dumas Brothel
Experience The Chills: Inside Butte's Dumas Brothel
Does the idea of exploring a building that many say is indeed haunted intrigue you? Good news, then. The Princes will be offering tours of this incredible building this Summer on alternating Saturdays between Memorial Day Weekend and Labor Day Weekend. Tours will be given several times throughout the day. For details on tours and other investigations you could be a part of, check out the Dumas Brothel Museum's website.
A look at the haunted places in Butte, Montana
A look at the haunted places in Butte, Montana
A look at the haunted places in Butte, Montana
If there's one thing Butte loves, it's a good ghost story. Going way back to the mining camp days and tales of the "Centerville Ghost" to today's ghost hunts with Chris Fisk and company, tales of the supernatural have always had a receptive ear in the Mining City. But where are the most haunted places? Here are a couple we think are in the running.