We had a great event in Hardin, Montana the other night. We got to meet a lot of great people, have some great food, and enjoy some great conversations.

I was doing an event with Americans for Prosperity- Montana that was highlighting the impacts of inflation due to Joe Biden and Jon Tester's massive spending.

One lady came down to "see what we were up to." The first thing she said to us was, "I am one of those people who wish the shooter didn't miss." She was, of course, referencing the failed assassination attempt against President Trump just days earlier. We were shocked. Nonetheless, I didn't argue with the woman. Instead, I told her what were there to talk about and worked to engage in a more policy focused conversation. Other than that remark, we had a nice conversation.

How could someone so easily just straight up say out loud that they wish their political opponent had been murdered?

I mentioned that conversation on the radio which then lead to a great phone call from a fellow veteran named Richard in Jordan, Montana. We talked about how the fake news media attacks on Trump have lead to this "dehumanization" of President Trump  and really all Trump supporters.

Remember when they wished those of us critics who defied mask and lockdown mandates had died from COVID-19? Why should we now be shocked that they could so callously respond to this failed assassination attempt?

Richard in Jordan: "When you join the service, and you go into basic training- one of the things that they need to do is desensitize the individual. And so one of the ways that they do that is by, when you're on a rifle range or a pistol range, you have pop up targets that you're shooting at. And in my day, they used Soviet uniforms on the target, because that was our most likely enemy and they want you to be able to do your job without thinking of a human being."

Aaron Flint: "Yeah, you have to dehumanize your your enemy and your opponent, and Ivan was who our target was. And it would be OD green or something to that effect...and then when you have affixed bayonets, you would do the same thing with a bayonet as you would, as you would go after Ivan."

Richard in Jordan: "Right. Absolutely. And now, I mean, looking back on it over the last nine years- when you look at MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, ABC, you look at all the networks...whenever they want to make a point, it's all of them that do it together in an eight hour cycle. And they're all saying the same exact thing about MAGA Republicans. They don't ever say that we're humans. They use MAGA Republicans and they dehumanize anybody that was willing to vote for Donald Trump."

The full phone call can be heard at the end of the below podcast:


LOOK: President Trump Through the Lens

Quite possibly one of the most famous icons in conservative American history, Donald Trump is a caricature we've been watching change the world of politics through business-minded outlooks and prioritizing protecting the American worker.

Gallery Credit: Aaron Flint